Lucid dreaming expert David Jay Brown joins Whitley Strieber for an in-depth discussion of that mysterious and magical state known as lucid dreaming.
Don’t lucid dream but want to? Listen up and get started as David describes not only the how but also the why of lucid dreaming, and David and Whitley explore the question of whether or not lucid dreaming is just that—enhanced dreaming—or if it might involve journeys to other world and dimensions.
Whitley describes an experience of interacting with somebody who he says was “possibly human” both in the physical world and later in a lucid dreaming state. So who is this person and what does such an experience mean? David has some very lucid answers to this and many other lucid dreaming questions!
David’s website is MavericksoftheMind.com.
Get Dreaming Wide Awake–click here.
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I have a 40 year plus history
I have a 40 year plus history of lucid dreaming, as well as better than average dream recall, going back at least to adolescence and possibly to childhood. I have never developed full control of the experience, however.
My lucid dreaming experiences include a handful of encounters with my beloved dead, animal as well as human; many dreams of flying, often in which I (afraid of heights in real life) will ascend far in the sky and plunge joyfully to earth, knowing I cannot be harmed; other dreams of flying, traveling through outer space past the stars, and often sensing other beings near me, though I’ve always lost lucidity before encountering them; the sensation of leaving my body and passing through walls; and many sexual experiences, some more intense than any I’ve had in real life. (These themes also appear in my regular, non-lucid dreams.) I’ve occasionally had encounters with very frightening beings in the lucid dream state, and have more than once been able to escape them with a technique I learned from Jane Roberts/Seth, and which I think has been mentioned on Unknown Country: of overcoming my sheer terror and projecting thoughts of peace and goodwill to the entity. They leave or disappear or stop attacking me. I recommend the technique.
One lucid dream which I remember with special fondness occurred more than thirty years ago, when my husband and I were courting. We were flying around together and I told him, “You won’t remember this when you wake up, but I’ll remember.” I was right…he did not remember!
Unlike so many members on this site, I have no overt encounters with the Visitors. (Though my “regular” dreams have included many visions of UFOs, some seen with exultation and some with terror, so I do wonder….) The glimpse into other realities I have acquired through the breadth of my dream life — what seem to be reincarnational dreams or views into lives in parallel realities, experiences of being in non-human bodies, encounters with spirit guides and schools, even a dream in which time/causality was reversed — are largely responsible for bringing me to Unknown Country. The mind is indeed a mystery.
Cool show and very relevant.
Cool show and very relevant. Constant synchronicities with this site, doesn’t even surprise me anymore. Thank you!
A really nice read
A really nice read regarding all of your/dream/lucid dreaming experiences. Thank you for posting.
Here is something that I would like to post. This might apply to the future human if we can hold on/hang on long enough.
In the early period, Lemurians and Atlanteans were not like the people of today. Back then, you and I (our souls) would have been pure minds and spirits without physical bodies. And, importantly, we (our minds and spirits) were still connected to the Great Spirit and the Universal Consciousness of our Creator. We lived in conscious cooperation with our Creator, and possessed “all the attributes of the spiritual or unseen forces,” giving us many abilities that we do not actively use today (they are now latent within us). Therefore, we did not use language the way we do today.
Only my thought here, (((Perhaps NOT as LATENT as some would believe.)))
In another reading he adds, “Individuals in the beginning were more of thought forms than individual entities with personalities as seen in the present…” (364-10) Can we today conceive of ourselves as minds without bodies?
To a small degree, Edgar Cayce could be an example of an Atlantean, for even in his normal conscious state, he could know what you were thinking and had been doing. Telepathy was the means of communication back then, not sounds using vocal cords. But even this example can be misunderstood, because we today think of telepathy as “hearing” words in thought, but there were no words.
Even major life issues are addressed in dreams; in fact, according to Cayce, nothing of importance happens to us without it first having been foreshadowed in our dreams.
AGAIN, (((Perhaps NOT as LATENT as some would believe.))) Also, perhaps words were not necessary if there was a KNOWING…….
Really enjoyed this show, and
Really enjoyed this show, and would love to hear more about your experiences with the sacred herbs that you mentioned Whitley .
Just be sure and learn to
Just be sure and learn to make a clean break from the dream upon awakening, or you might find yourself feeling a little spacey and strange for a good part of the day…Sunlight and grounding help with this problem.
Is consciousness partially on
Is consciousness partially on the outside? Does that mean that consciousness comes from the outside of our Universe? The process of activating a memory involves lighting up a memory using consciousness. Are we looking from the outside to the inside in that case? Is the brain inside, while consciousness is outside? Is the brain merely a tool for consciousness, consciousness resides on the outside? People have talked about themselves “being on the outside or fringes of society”. Is that an indication that for some, they are more aware of consciousness being on the outside? Does this idea have consequences for AI, because it is hard to get a machine to apply will and control from an absolute outside? Is that why AI machines have not achieved consciousness so far? Why does consciousness exert control over the body? Has Science been unable to find out where consciousness resides because it cannot find this “outside”. What does it mean to be aware of oneself? From where? …and if consciousness has a fuzzy position and is essentially everywhere, does that mean that part of it emanates from outside, outside of our Universe? Similarly, are quantum particles in superposition simultaneously existing inside AND outside of our universe? Spread out among multiple alternate Universes? Also, If there was something from outside of the Universe, how could you use the tools of our local Universe to prove it exists? You could not. Yet, this scenario seems similar to the hard problem of consciousness. If consciousness comes from the outside, it is impossible to find its true location…. Consciousness may be something that came from the outside that “plugs into a body” (like it is a robot). Part of its essence still remains external. It can be the experiencer, yet remains on the outside, looking in.
Mace, when I read your post
Mace, when I read your post it brought back to mind a short video I watched recently (COSMIC TWIN). I REALLY like the last few minutes of this video.
“What does it mean to be aware of oneself? From where? …and if consciousness has a fuzzy position and is essentially everywhere, does that mean that part of it emanates from outside, outside of our Universe? Similarly, are quantum particles in superposition simultaneously existing inside AND outside of our universe? Spread out among multiple alternate Universes? Also, If there was something from outside of the Universe, how could you use the tools of our local Universe to prove it exists? You could not. Yet, this scenario seems similar to the hard problem of consciousness. If consciousness comes from the outside, it is impossible to find its true location…. Consciousness may be something that came from the outside that “plugs into a body” (like it is a robot). Part of its essence still remains external. It can be the experiencer, yet remains on the outside, looking in.”
Nice video. I think that
Nice video. I think that connection to the confluence of reality, where everything overlaps (in interconnection), is the conduit to all forms of consciousness. You might forget everything you had known, that is one of the attributes of the void, it wipes memories (making them inert, like what happens with anti-memories). The good thing is, it prepares you for more memories (like what happens through sleeping). I think that within each quark is the ability to adjust to any environment, any parallel reality, any Universe—both consciousness and body are keys to the Kingdom. I think the Universe is fine tuned for a reason, and other Universes would be fine tuned also. This is evidence of a basic quiet, a stillness and balance. I infer that it all works, whether through overlapping or separation. Our addiction to entropy is what I believe causes a divergence in the flow, away from superposition. Pain and decay are personal, and may ensnare the ego, partially trapping it here. Our ancestors were raised on those emotions, so it is encoded in our DNA. In order to transcend our nest, we have to suppress entropy and its severing action, bringing the micro to the macroscopic. This is a feat of consciousness and is forged by a connection to energy and the confluence it inhabits. Consciousness can affect the body ultimately, as Buddha’s quote states: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.” Teleportation to other realms may indeed be possible, if we can quell entropy and its baneful effects. The body and mind is in reality disembodied, spread out over many possibilities.
Sensory deprivation tanks are entropy reducers, in my opinion. Same difference with the frigid areas of quantum computers. Experiments have been done partially depriving flies of oxygen, I think that was another case of entropy reduction. The flies lived an average of two weeks longer than expected.
Very good interview!
Very good interview!
Thanks Carollee, looking at
Thanks Carollee, looking at it now.
Consciousness may be “Here, THERE, and Everywhere”.
As for the difference between
As for the difference between one mind and many minds, I believe destructive entropy causes that division. Finally, the mind is one Entity. The only way I know of to prove that one mind exists is to enter it, and also to use entropy as a tool to spur change when desired. The two formats create different scenarios.
I think that our culture
I think that our culture affects our concept of ‘consciousness’ in very profound ways, and that we truly have a myopic view of reality and consciousness. If you wish to become an adept at anything, you must study, study, study, and that includes consciousness, as well as various belief and cultural systems. We cannot become conscious, and utilize our dreams until we step outside of the box and truly broaden our horizons to encompass all of nature and mankind…