No, it’s not a horror movie-it’s real life in Florida.

Marine toads are native in an area from Mexico and Central America to the Amazon. They first arrived in Florida in 1955, when a shipment imported by a pet dealer was accidentally released at the Miami International Airport, then they spread through canals into other areas. Some pet dealers deliberately released the toads in the early 1960s, probably because they were too unpleasant to sell.

“They’re on the bottom of the list of the toads we sell,” says Mike Purcell of the Aquarium Connection in Gainesville. “But they’re extremely durable, so they’re really easy to keep as pets.”
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Today, the flu is something that causes you to feel lousy and miss work for a week, but in 1918, a global flu pandemic killed 40 million people. Scientists are warning it could happen again.

“The natural history of influenza suggests it is only a matter of time before another influenza pandemic occurs,” says Dr. Martin Meltzer of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He says that in the U.S. it would kill 89,000 to 207,000 people. There would also be 3214,000 to 734,000hospitalizations, 18 to 42 million outpatient visits and 20 to 47 million additional, untreated, cases. The economic cost would be $71.3 to $166.5 billion.
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In this extraordinary lecture, Prince Charles makes a stirring argument that we must re-introduce the sacred into our society if we are to survive.

He gave this talk at the conclusion of the annual Reith Lecture series.


Sustainable development is a matter of enlightened self- interest. Self-interest is a powerful motivating force for all of us, and if we can somehow convince ourselves that sustainable development is in all our interests then we will have taken a valuable first step toward achieving it.
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Composer Steven Halpern, a Dreamland listener, has recorded an exceptional pattern of apparent chemtrails over northern Marin County in California. Halpern obtained a number of pictures that clearly illustrate the phenomenon’s classic crosshatch pattern. The most recent patterns appeared during the week of January 28, 2001. On February 1, 2001, similar patterns were observed over South Texas, but not recorded.

Halpern says that the extent of the contrails and the way they lingered and spread over the area after they appeared was not something usually observed. This, also, is a well-known characteristic of the phenomenon, and has been observed over many countries in the world, including the US, Canada, Australia, Italy, the UK and others.
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