The books on our Only a Few Left sale are going fast, and some have already sold out! Some of our fastest-moving items are Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy (we had 5 left, now there are only 3); The Afterlife Experiments (we had 4, now we have only 2); The Stargate Chronicles (there were 6, now are only 3); and Historical Deception (were 5, now 2). Our music is moving fast too, with both Gifts of the Angels and Deja Blues down to 6 copies. Get those books and CDs you?ve always wanted now!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

One of your favorite books by popular author Jim Marrs, Psi Spies, is now back in stock. This is the legendary book the mainstream publishers killed. Find out what the CIA didn’t want you to know about its remote viewing program.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

UFOs are being seen in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. “We’re all in our 50s, professional people?we’re not into hallucinatory drugs or anything like that,” says Pam Wingfield. “People look at you funny when you tell them you’ve seen a UFO. But what we saw was unidentified, it was flying and it was an object.”

David Wren writes in the Myrtle Beach Sun News that Pam and two other vacationers from Virginia all saw the orange and yellow glowing spheres. There have been at least six other sightings of yellow, orange or red lights floating near the horizon in the past few weeks.
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The number of bankruptcies has risen 400% in the past 25 years, and soon experts think that 6 million families with children?that’s one in every 7?will go bankrupt. Why is everyone going broke? One reason is that, due to deteriorating schools, families stretch their dollars too far to move into neighborhoods with good schools. Another is credit card interest rates, which are higher than the “vigorish” the Mob used to charge and puts most of America’s money in the pockets of a few banks.
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