Did the Medieval prophet Nostradamus predict that a comet will crash into the Aegean sea near Greece, with devastating affects, in the year 2004? Two Nostradamus experts disagree.

R.W. Welch writes: “In early August, a faint white speck becomes barely visible in the night sky. With each passing day, it grows rapidly larger and brighter, approaching at several times the velocity of a rifle bullet. It is not a meteoric space rock, but a ball of cosmic dust and ice left over from the formation of the solar system billions of years ago?a comet. By mid-August, it lights up the sky almost like a second sun. While not especially large as comets go, it is getting much too close. It is, in fact, on a collision course with planet Earth.
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In May, there will be a TV miniseries about a devastating quake in California that scientists say is too extreme to be real. But a U.S. geophysicist says a major earthquake will hit southern California by September 5th.
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Anne Strieber writes in her new Diary about an important article by Richard Rorty in which he says, “I don’t think the Bush administration is filled with power-hungry crypto-fascists?But I do think the end of the rule of law could come about almost inadvertently, in both the U.S. and Europe, through the sheer momentum of the institutional changes that are likely to be made in the name of the war on terrorism.” Read why we not only need to be on guard against terrorism, we also need to remember.

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Whitley has posted a new meditation for subscribers that is designed to enable you to communicate with other levels of reality. This unusual and powerful meditation is the first of a series that will provide communications tools that have worked for Whitley over the eighteen years of his close encounter and contact experience. Meditations like this are one of the reasons you became a subscriber, so don’t miss it!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more