You voted Will Hart our most popular guest of the past six months, so he’s back for Easter! He says that the more we learn about genetic engineering, the more it seems that we’re the product of it. Then, Linda Howe reveals some astonishing truths about Dark Matter.

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Will Hart and Whitley Strieber have a BRAND NEW discussion just for subscribers. It covers such things as why the coming Transit of Venus is so important and what kind of changes to expect over the next few years.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

While no crop circles have been found in Africa, there are mysterious “fairy circles” in Namibia and scientists want to know what causes them. So far, all their possible explanations have been disproved?so maybe it is fairies, after all?

Fairy circles are found in bare sandy soil only along the western coast of the Namib desert in southern Africa. They?re easy to spot because they stand out in the sparse vegetation of the desert. Researchers first noticed them in the 1970s, and thought they were caused by termites, radioactive soil or toxic debris left in the soil by the poisonous milkbush plant. But Andy Coghlan writes in New Scientist that after much research, scientists have dismissed these theories. Botanist Gretel van Rooyen says, “They still remain a mystery.” read more

Two miraculous signs have appeared from two different religions in two separate places?Pittsburgh and Palestine. In the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Pennsylvania, a figure of Jesus has begun oozing a colorless, odorless oil. In Palestine, the name of “Allah” has appeared on the side of a sheep.

In The Morning Call, 0,3556131.story?coll=all-newslocal-hed,Dan Sheehan quotes Maria Varvarelis, the wife of the pastor of St. Nicholas, as saying, ”What message is it trying to send us? Sometimes a little sign like this makes you nervous, because you don’t know what might happen. But we are excited about it.”
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