One of the mysteries of DNA is how we can share so many genes with chimpanzees, and yet be so different from them. Now scientists say this has to do with which genes have been “turned on.” There has been speculation that chimps were intentionally altered long ago by scientists from another world, in order to create humans. While there is no proof of this, now we know how it would have been done.
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This used to be a joke, but psychologists say it’s true. Pure-bred dogs can be matched to their owners most of the time, although this doesn’t work for mixed-breed mutts. Psychologist Nicholas Christenfeld gives an example: "There was a goofy guy, smiling with slightly shaggy hair and a golden retriever with a goofy smile, the same hair–everyone said ‘these two go together.’"
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Is this some kind of conspiracy? Researchers say that doing housework can reduce a woman’s chance of getting cancer.

They found the risk of endometrial and breast cancer was cut by 30% from physical activity such as household chores and walking. Women who did chores for more than four hours a day had more protection than those who only worked for two hours. Women who walked for a hour a day, rather than just a half hour, also got less cancer.

Researcher Clare Stevinson says, “Some levels of housework are hard enough to have a physiological effect. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount of high intensity stuff. But the more you do, the better.”
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Last November, we reported that astronauts on board the International Space Station heard a strange noise, as if something was hitting the ISS from space. Now they’ve heard the same sound again.

In November, astronaut Mike Foale said, “It sounded like a metal tin can kind of being expanded and compressed. It was a noise that lasted about a second. It sounded like an impact or something.”
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