In his book, THE KEY, Whitley Strieber writes of an encounter with a stranger in his hotel room during a signing tour promoting a previous book. The author describes the stranger as having skin color of a dusty pale, and comments that it could be as if the stranger could appear as a corpse but for the twinkle in his eyes and an _expression described as a combination of serenity, happiness, and deep, deep humor. Strieber also recounts his conversation with this stranger and relates that the stranger commented that he was there on behalf of the good. The conversation caused Strieber to experience a new level of faith and, in fact, as he states, a new image of God emerged.
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Even if you’re a woman, you’ve probably gotten a lot ofcomputer spam trying to sell you the male impotence drugViagra. But it turns out most of this Viagra is fake, andPfizer, the company that makes the drug, wants to dosomething about it.

Pfizer is trying to stop websites from selling fake pillsand spammers from sending out messages offering the drug.They began the campaign after a survey showed that 25% ofpeople who received the spam though it was being sent out bythe drug company.
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A UFO researcher says he’s receiving increasing sightingreports of triangle-shaped UFOs. Malcolm Robinson says, “Inthe U.K. we’re getting an increase in triangular-shapedobjects the size of football fields which float majesticallyacross the sky. I’ve seen one myself…”The National Institute of DiscoverySciences has found that most U.S. sightings of triangularcraft occur near military bases, so they assume these mustbe secret aircraft.

Robinson says, “We’re trying to find out whether we’redealing with new technology from the military or whetherthere’s something else going on.” It should be noted thattriangle-shaped UFOs have been seen regularly over the last60 years, so all of them can’t be secret military craft.
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One way to avoid Middle Eastern conflict and pricevulnerability would be to wean ourselves from oil. But whatelse could we use?Coal ispolluting and would increase global warming. The mainproblem is our cars?no alternative fuel has been discoveredyet that works in them and companies aren’t trying todevelop one because it would be taxed higher than foreignoil imports!

Lee Dye writes in that about half the cost ofevery gallon of synthetic oil produced in this country goesto federal and local taxes. Chemical engineer Galen Suppessays, “But there’s no U.S. taxes on foreign oil. You’retaxing domestic production, but you’re not taxing imports.”
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