In another in our new series of Communion Letters, we present the story of Corbett, who writes: In 1984 I moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico, which is near White Sands Missile range. I lived there for four years. Some of the research for President Reagan’s Star Wars technology was being done at White Sands and if you watched the sky you could see some very strange, interesting “light shows.” I didn’t notice anything until 1987 when Mary Ann, a woman I was acquainted with, told me there was a place behind the university where you could see UFOs flying around.
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In another in our new series ofCommunionLetters, we present the story ofCorbett,who writes: In 1984 I moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico, whichis near White Sands Missile range. I lived there for fouryears. Some of the research for President Reagan’s Star Warstechnology was being done at White Sands and if you watchedthe sky you could see some very strange, interesting “lightshows.” I didn’t notice anything until 1987 when Mary Ann, awoman I was acquainted with, told me there was a placebehind the university where you could see UFOs flyingaround.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Julie Pearce has purchased an alien detector designed by aserious scientist, but she doesn’t know if it will work yet.

The apparatus contains colored strobe lights in a triangularpattern, low-powered laser beams refracted through a quartzcrystal, a radio transmitter and gauges that trackatmospheric changes associated with extraterrestrialencounters. A piece of Labradorite hangs from a chainattached to the machine. This mineral is said to be found inlocations where extraterrestrial encounters occur. Pearcepurchased it after she read an online ad placed by thedeceased inventor’s children.
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A new, digital copy of the audio tape of the assassinationof John F Kennedy will prove, once and for all, whetherkiller Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone because it will finallyestablish how many shots were fired.

Scientists are making the first digital copy of the originaltape, which hasn’t been played or copied since 1990, becauseit’s too fragile. The sounds were caught by the radio on anearby police motorcycle, and recorded on a plasticDictaphone belt at police headquarters. The digital copywill take about a year to complete.
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