There have been many theories about the location ofAtlantis, which Plato wrote about in 360 BC, saying that itwas an islandin the Atlantic Ocean where an advanced civilization was hitby a natural disaster that sank it beneath the sea. But thisis the first time anyone has theorized that he may have beendescribing Ireland.
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Mark Olson writes: A new sighting of a Triangular object hasbeen videotaped over Sonora, CA on August 8! (NOTE: this isthe day after Mark’s interview was posted on thesubscribersection). Video clips of the object have been posted on theSonora website on theJULY& AUGUST CLIPS page.

This object was videotaped on separate Sony Camcorders, oneon Hi-8 using a tripod, the other on a hand-held Digital.there are comparison clips from both theHi-8 Camcorder (Clip One) and the Digital Camcorder (ClipThree). These objects have been sighted and videotaped forfour months now, and there doesn’t seem to be an end to thisphenomenon.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Harvard-trained academician Paul von Ward makes the best case ever for humanity being influenced by what he defines as ‘advanced beings.’ He takes us on a journey across the past for a riveting new look at who we really are and what our myths really mean. This program is shockingly convincing. Then, Linda Howe interviews a truck driver who actually saw not only the mysterious UFO that crashed in Keksburg, Pa, but also observed what appeared to be a lizard-like arm being transported on a stretcher.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

This week on Mysterious Powers, Anne Strieber talks to “white witch” Patricia Telesco, who tells how to gain control of our lives by understanding what the future is likely to bring, using ordinary objects we have around the house as a means of opening the conscious mind to what the unconscious already knows. PLUS, our first edition of the Vike Report, UFO investigator Brian Vike’s report of all the latest UFO news, a new regular feature of Mysterious more