Lake Champlain in Vermont has its own “Nessie,” called”Champ.” Five tourists visiting the lake say they saw themonster. Bob Gload says, “I turned around and saw thatexplosion from the water. I saw three humps, two- tothree-feet tall, about four- or five-feet apart.”

In the Plattsburgh, NY Press-Republic, Dan Heath quotesGload as saying, “I was born in Champlain. I never believedin Champ or the Loch Ness monster. I believe now.”
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We recently speculated that 1,500homing pigeonsin Sweden that never returned home may have been confused bythe changing magnetic poles. But some people think they gotlost due to electronic signals from nearby cell phone towers.

The Swedish homing pigeons aren’t the only onesmissing?about 1,600 pigeons vanished out of 1,800 competingin a 200-mile race from northern Virginia to Allentown,Pennsylvania recently and 600 out of 700 birds were missingafter a 150-mile race on the same day from westernPennsylvania to Philadelphia. Pigeons are missing fromBritish races as well.
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You may not realize it, but a large part of your diet is nowmade up of genetically-modified foods, especially if you eata lot of processed foods. The National Academy of Sciencesadmits that "sizeable gaps" still remain in their knowledgeof GM foods. While they haven’t made anyone sick yet, they have the potential to cause major problems.
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Privacy International in the U.K. has given out its sixthannual Big Brother Awards, in the form of a golden statue ofa boot stomping on a head. They’re mailed out, since no onehas ever shown up to collect one in person.

Michelle Delio writes in that the awards are givenout for Worst Public Servant, Most Invasive Company, MostAppalling Project, Most Heinous Government Organization andLifetime Menace and winners are selected by a panel ofexperts consisting of lawyers, academics, consultants,journalists and civil rights activists from over 300 peopleand organizations nominated by the public.

Lloyds Bank won for telling customers they have go to theirlocal branch offices with a photo ID or have their bankaccounts frozen.
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