Your body isn’t exhausted from that workout?it’s your brainthat’s tired. Scientists are trying to invent a pill thatwill give you all the benefits of exercise without actuallyhaving to do it.

James Randerson writes in New Scientist that new evidenceshows that it?s our brains that make us feel tired out afterexercise. This happens in order to prevent muscle damage.This could lead to treatments for diseases like chronicfatigue syndrome, but it could also lead to newperformance-enhancing drugs for athletes.
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The Maldives will soon be lost underwater. This touristdestination is being drowned by the rising sea level andwill be uninhabitable in one hundred years. Its 360,000citizens will have to find another country to take them in.

Nick Bryant writes in that Male, the capital ofthe country, is surrounded by a ten-foot-high wall, whichtook 14 years to build. Japan paid for 99% of the cost. Butthis protects only one of the Maldives? 200 inhabitedislands, and there?s no way they afford to build wallsaround all of them, so some residents are already planningto leave. In Kandholhudhoo, an island in the north, 60% ofresidents have volunteered to evacuate over the next 15years. And the sea has already battered a huge hole in oneof the walls.
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As part of our new Communion Letters series, Coretta writes: Twelve years ago I woke up in the night to see three small, gray creatures standing to my right, near the foot of my bed. Though the room seemed filled with a misty, dim light, I could see the visitors clearly. One, a bit taller than the other two, seemed to be the leader and communicator. He/she/it held a slender, silver-colored metal rod about 15 inches long, bearing some type of markings, which they said had to be inserted in my rectum.
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As part of our newCommunionLetters series,Corettawrites: Twelve years ago I woke up in the night to see threesmall, gray creatures standing to my right, near the foot ofmy bed. Though the room seemed filled with a misty, dimlight, I could see the visitors clearly. One, a bit tallerthan the other two, seemed to be the leader andcommunicator. He/she/it held a slender, silver-colored metalrod about 15 inches long, bearing some type of markings,which they said had to be inserted in my rectum.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more