In the film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” a manwants to erase memories of his lover. In the new (and old)versions of “The Manchurian Candidate,” men are programmedto kill on command. Is any of this possible?

In, Amanda Onion quotes film consultantneurologist Jay Lombard as saying, “We use the idea in [TheManchurian Candidate] that we have come to the point wherewe have the ability to influence the brain, not just fortherapeutic purposes, but for political ones.”
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People who are worried about terrorists sneaking over theborder into the U.S. say they successfully brought a fakeweapon of mass destruction into the country. The group wantsto show how easy it is for terrorists to sneak deadlyweapons across the Mexican border.

Mike King says, “I mean, you have people with backpacks,bottles of water and zero training coming across. I justwanted to show how easy this is for somebody with trainingto come into this country.”

Two members of the group carried a briefcase the size of a”suitcase bomb” inside a backpack into Arizona. They crosseda fence on the border separating the U.S. from Mexico, thenwent to a house in Arizona without being detected.
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We recently wrote that the ocean issaving us fromsome of the ravages of global warming by absorbing carbondioxide. Plankton, the tiny plants that float on the surfaceof the ocean, also have amazing powers: aside from providinghalf the Earth’s oxygen and feeding many marine animals,they may be able to change the weather as well.
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A Dreamland first! William Henry is our new alternate host, and he has a polished and absolutely fascinating first outing as he interviews Richard Hoagland with a focus on ancient knowledge with William’s expert perspective. This interview reveals the true depth of Richard Hoagland’s knowledge and the power of his driving concern that all people be allowed to share in the ancient secret knowledge that he believes the authorities are withholding from us. Powerful stuff. Hoagland on a level you have never heard before. Then Linda Howe interviews the Texas rancher who shot the unknown animal on his property last week–an animal Whitley Strieber’s brother turns out to have seen!
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