Want to lose weight? Get enough sleep. Instead of spendingan hour a day jogging, new research shows that if you spendthat time in bed, your diet is more likely to be a success.

Leptin, a chemical released during sleep, controls body fatby letting us know we’re full. Lack of sleep also affectsthe hormones which help burn off calories during the day.

Researchers followed 500 adults, aged 27 to 40, for 13years, and found that their average sleep times declinedfrom 7.7 hours to 7.3 hours for women, and from 7.1 hours to6.9 hours for men. They put on an average of five poundsduring that time, and those who gain the most were the oneswho slept the least.
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Donald Tyson is a expert on the word, YHWH, the true name of God. He tells us how this word unlocks the meaning behind astrological symbolism, the Tarot, the kabbalah, the mysteries of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation, how it relates to the I Ching, the Enochian Magic of John Dee, and how it is the blueprint of creation itself, the basis for DNA’s double helix and even the binary language of computers. Then Linda begins two weeks of Jim Marrs with an explosive interview about what the 911 Commission DIDN’T tell us. Next week is Jim Marrs Week on Dreamland!

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.read more

John DeSalvo returns with a totally amazing journey through the hyperdimensional aspects of pyramids and pyramid energy. Includes a discussion of the relationship between the pyramids and the Shroud of Turin that is totally amazing and fascinating.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.read more

Sleep researchers want to know how birds are able to migratethousands of miles every year on very little sleep. Theystudied sparrows in their laboratory and found the birdsreduced their sleep time by two-thirds during the periodwhen they would ordinarily be migrating but still functionedwell. But during times when they wouldn’t have beenmigrating, sleep deprivation impaired their performance.
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