Fossil records show that societies do better if there areold folks around, and scientists think they know why.

Will Knight writes in New Scientist that seniors played animportant role in the spread of human civilization 30,000years ago, according to a new study of the human fossilrecord. Researchers Rachel Caspari and Sang-Hee Lee studieddental fossils belonging to early humans and pre-humanspecies dating back 3 million years, in order to judge theirages. In those days, you were “old” at age 30. There wereseveral kinds of pre-humans but only one of them lastedlonger enough to become the ancestors of modern man. Thedifference may have been the number of seniors.
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We get weather forecasts every day, but not much news aboutglobal warming. U.S. scientists fear that the public “turnsoff” when it hears predictions of climate change, eitherbecause we don’t want to face facts or because the subjectis too big to understand. Climate change has apublic relations problem. There have been major indicationsof global warming in the last few years, but none of themhave mobilized the U.S. public enough to demand governmentaction.
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Laurance Rockefeller died on July 11, 2004 at the age of 93,after a brief illness. Mr. Rockefeller was of exceptionalimportance to UFO research. Between 1993 and 1995, hesupported Dr. John Mack’s Center for Psychology and SocialChange in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1997, he funded adiscovery initiative spearheaded by long-time friend MarieGalbraith, designed to inform world leaders of the validityof the UFO issue and to increase pressure for disclosure ofgovernment files.
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Dan writes: Recently I watched the video clip of the “Oregon UFO” and I noted that you requested to contact you if anyone had seen a similar UFO. I remember seeing a one over downtown Portland, Oregon thirty-six years ago. I was reading something at the dining room table of our apartment and I kept getting distracted by the sound of an airplane. It was not the steady drone of a passing airplane but sounded like the sound track of a movie scene featuring aerial combat. After hearing this for a couple of minutes, I got up and went to my daughter’s bedroom where I had the best view of the downtown airspace where the noise seemed to be coming from.
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