At last, somebody has come up with a clear explanation of the Mayan Calendar, why it is so important, and how it works as a predictive tool. This interview with Carl Johan Calleman promises to finally shed some real light on what the calendar is all about and how we can understand and use it in our own lives. Then Linda with an amazing report on crop circles and extensive, close-up sightings of balls of light–in Utah!

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Pyramid expert and researcher John DeSalvo tells some amazing stories about his firsthand knowledge of the huge pyramids that have been built in Russia, and what they may be for. He talks about the mystery of who paid millions to build them and, above all, why. There is some really amazing material in this interview, such as the story of how Russian military radar detected a column of energy rising from one of the pyramids.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Dr. John Demartini has a really, really different take on the relationship between spiritual enlightenment and material wealth. He will tell us how to literally dissolve the conflict between material success and spiritual success, and show the profound way that they are related to each more

You must subscribe by midnight, Sunday June 11 for one year in order to get a free copy of The Path. You pay shipping and handling costs only. This is Whitley Strieber’s most moving, most powerful and most important book. It reveals and explains the inner path that he has been using since 1976. Based on an interpretation of the ancient Tarot of Marseilles that has been kept secret for a thousand years, the path shows a way to wisdom that works. It was Whitley’s main tool of communication during the nine years he spent in contact with the visitors. He will be starting a series of commentaries on The Path soon, so be ready?get your copy today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more