?And it doesn’t work, either. Most dieters end up gaining more weight than they lost. Losing and regaining weight may harm your immune system, while maintaining the same weight over a long period of time is good for it.

When researchers studied 114 overweight but otherwise healthy women, they found that their immune system function had decreased in proportion to the number of times they’d gone on a diet, making the dieters more susceptible to viruses and even some forms of cancer.
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The primates with the biggest brains, compared to their body size, are the best at deceiving others. Since humans have the biggest brains of all, we’re especially good liars.
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There are more sunspots now than there have been in the last 1,000 years, and this could be a major cause of global warming. Also, vast areas of cold water have suddenly appeared in the North Pacific and North Atlantic, meaning we could be on our way to a Superstorm.
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As part of our new Communion Letters, Susan writes: I haven’t told this to anyone outside of my close family until now. There is a road in France that we lived next to in 1994 that had been there since Roman times. It is called in English, Highway #1, the oldest road in France. It winds between farms, and there are a couple of villages nearby. The farmers come out early in the morning to shoot pheasant. Those are the only people you see on this road.
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