Many have you have long admired the artistic mastheads created by Dana Augustine for every Dreamland and Mysterious Powers show. Now you can view them all over again on our new Dana Augustine page, where you can click on each small image to enlarge it. You can find the page by clicking Mindframe at the top of our homepage or click here.

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A large group of one large and three smaller crop circles have appeared in Utah. This is the tenth circle to appear in the state over the years. The largest showed up on July 21, 1998 on the same day that similar circles appeared in Oregon, Idaho and Belgium.
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The term "canary in the coal mine" refers to miners who used to take canaries in cages with them underground. If the bird expired, they would be warned that oxygen was running low and it was time to go back to the surface. When it comes to global warming, Alaska is the canary in the coal mine, because problems are showing up there first.

Lynn Melling reports for KTUU-TV that "From wildfires to floods to lightning strikes, it seems the weather this summer has been a hodgepodge of unusual events. Is it just circumstance, or a trend of things to come?"
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Every once in a while, a rumor comes along saying we have captured Osama bin-Laden. Then an audio or video tape is released by al-Qaeda, proving he’s still alive and free. Some of these tapes are more convincing than others. Now a U.S. congressman has hinted that we have Osama in captivity.

WorldNet Daily says that in a speech in India, reported by the Indo-Asian News Service, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) said, “There are already rumors circulating that Osama bin Laden is being held somewhere already and it’s only that they are trying to decide what day they should bring him out.”
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