She’s on a low carb diet, he carries a cell phone?no wonder they can’t have kids. Researchers have found that a low carb diet makes women less fertile, while carrying a cell phone does the same thing to men.

Caroline Ryan writes in that when the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine fed mice a diet containing 25% protein, it made them less fertile. Researcher David Gardner says, “The rate of fetal development was severely reduced as a result of the high protein diet of the mother?”It’s conceivable that people who have protein intakes greater than 30% may have problems conceiving.”
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U.S. health officials say the U.S. strain of West Nile virus is deadlier to humans and birds than anywhere else on the planet, except for Israel. Could West Nile be Saddam Hussein’s revenge?

WorldNet Daily and Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin report that in most parts of the world, West Nile causes mild flu-like symptoms. While it affects most people here that way too, it can prove fatal and it’s 100% fatal to birds. Israel was the first place in the world where West Nile virus killed birds. Before 1997, it made them sick, but wasn’t fatal. West Nile first appeared in the United States in 1999 in New York state and is rapidly spreading West. During June, cases were confirmed in Los Angeles.
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Some of us don’t want to live in a world without chocolate, but we may have to if a South American disease spreads to cocoa plants in Africa.

Julianna Kettlewell writes in that the two diseases ravaging cocoa plants are called “witches’ broom” and “frosty pod.” They are both fungi and are closely related. WBD causes the branches of cocoa trees to become swollen, giving them the appearance of witches’ brooms, while FP attacks the pods containing the cocoa beans, leaving them with a white coating.
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We recently wrote that Atzlan, the Mexican Atlantis, might be in Utah. Now an ancient Indian site has been revealed that was kept secret by a rancher in Utah for over 50 years.

Paul Foy writes that Waldo Wilcox kept outsiders off his land, so no one knew it contained an incredibly preserved ancient Indian settlement, with arrowheads and beads lying out in the open. Now that they know about it, archeologists are calling it one of the most amazing finds they’ve ever seen.
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