The outing of Valerie Plame in the column of Robert Novak has now led to the resignation of Jim Pavitt from the CIA. Mr. Pavitt was Valerie Plame?s superior. His work has been devastated by this catastrophic security leak, and he has apparently chosen to resign as a result. The announcement of his retirement is the tip of an iceberg of national disaster.
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Archaeologists studying prehistoric stone carvings near Scotland have found an amazing carving of a face that is much more sophisticated than the other primitive stone art in the vicinity. The question is, where did it come from?

Rocks with simpler markings on them are thought to have been made thousands of years ago by Neolithic and Early Bronze Age people. The “face” could be much younger?perhaps only a few hundred years old. But then what is it doing in the midst of so much prehistoric art?
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It’s been a fairly dull crop circle season in the U.K. this year?until now. A new circle has arrived that appears to be a diagram for an electrical transistor designed 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla. This little-known engineer is credited with inventing, among other things, the radio, a/c electricity and fluorescent lights.

The Western Daily Press says, “But why one of his early diagrams should be recreated in a wheat field near Alton Barnes, the global capital of crop circles, remained a mystery?”
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News 5 KPHO in Phoenix is investigating a power surge that left 65 thousand people without electricity recently. Some people say the blackout was caused by strange lights in the sky, which could be a return of the Phoenix Lights, first seen in 1997.

UFOs have also recently been seen in the U.K. The Huddersfield Daily Examiner reports that 5 strange objects were seen flying in perfect formation. Mark Windle, who took a photo of them, says, “It looked to me as if they were objects that were burning up in the atmosphere. There was another plane in the sky and it looked different.”

Another witness says, “We usually have planes flying past but not in such a regular formation,” she said. “It was very strange.”
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