Crop circles aren’t new and people have been seeing them made (and not by other people, either) for over 50 years. Alec Randall of Wiltshire, England describes looking into a field with his girlfriend in 1955 and seeing a “distortion of the air, like a thick haze of heat” 20 feet above a wheat field. They heard a “cracking noise like an electric shock noise?an electrical bang.” When the haze lifted 20 minutes later, there was a circle in the field.

Nick Redfern writes that the resulting shape was a perfect circle about 8 feet in diameter. The wheat was flattened in a “beautiful swirl but with a smell of burning metal in the air which lasted for a few minutes or until we got used to it.”
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In the Yukon village of Teslin, Bigfoot has been seen at a construction site near the airport. Conservation Officer Dave Bakica says the two people who saw it “claim they thought it was a person standing beside the road, but couldn’t tell from all the dust. By the time they turned around to look back they said this person was completely covered in hair and took just two strides to get across the whole Alaska highway.” And one Bigfoot researcher is determined to bring back photographs of a Yeti from Sumatra.
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The head of one of the world’s biggest oil companies admits that the threat of climate change makes him “really very worried for the planet.” Ron Oxburgh, the chairman of Shell, says, “No one can be comfortable at the prospect of continuing to pump out the amounts of carbon dioxide that we are pumping out at present?with consequences that we really can’t predict but are probably not good.”
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We have only 25 of these wonderful 30-page free booklets left! In them, UFO researcher Stan Friedman talks about the star map drawn by Betty Hill during her world-famous UFO abduction in 1961. The Zeta Reticuli Incident was published in 1975 and these are pristine, original copies. The glossy, full-color pages include an analysis of Betty’s star map and articles by many notable scientists and astronomers. Your copy will automatically come with every order you place for anything in the store while supplies last. But there are only 25 left. If you want to get one of them, don’t risk including backordered items in your order. Order from existing stock to be most certain of being one of last customers to receive a copy of the Zeta Reticuli Incident.
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