It’s Stanton Friedman week on Dreamland! The master UFO researcher talks about his greatest cases and his latest findings, and they are amazing. This UFO researcher with 40 years of experience tells his expectations for the future of UFO sightings and research, and they are nothing short of amazing.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Peter Lorie says that we’re approaching an extraordinary crisis, that every human being alive in 2009 will have to make a momentous choice, one that will lead either to the return of the messiah or another round of war and more

Stanton Friedman discusses legendary mysteries like the Eisenhower Briefing Document and the MJ12 documents. Hear from the best authenticator in the world exactly what is real and why it is real, and what has been done to obscure that fact. This is one of the most revealing and powerful interviews Mr. Friedman has ever given.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

The Chinese know how to get sexually shy pandas to mate in captivity: Show them panda pornography. The project has been a success: Hua Mei is finally pregnant. Zookeepers are worried that pandas may die out because it’s so hard to get them interested in sex.

Hua Mei was born to two zoo pandas on loan from the San Diego zoo, and is the first foreign-born panda to be returned to China, where pandas originated. Ever since she’s come home to the Wolong Giant Panda Protection Center, she’s been shown videos of pandas mating as an incentive to do so herself. As humans know, this kind of inspiration often works.
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