The artist Michelangelo may have had a form of autism called Asperger’s Syndrome, and Albert Einstein, Socrates and Jane Austen may have had it too. Psychiatrists describe Michelangelo as “strange, without affect, and isolated” and “preoccupied with his own private reality.” Other potential Asperger’s cases are Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, the poet W.B. Yeats and pop artist Andy Warhol. Even Microsoft’s Bill Gates has been mentioned as possibly having it.
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Scientists now know that past global warming events were triggered by a gigantic release of methane from the oceans. They want to know where exactly this methane is stored and what causes its release?in case it could happen again.

Julianna Kettlewell writes in that researchers have found a series of vents in the Nordic Seas that may have released enough methane 55 million years ago to have caused massive global warming. When the methane hit the atmosphere, it was converted into carbon dioxide, triggering a sudden temperature rise of about 40 degrees, in one of the largest global warming events ever discovered.
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UFO researcher Erick Martinez, who spread the word about the alien photo taken in Chile, has received phone calls about it from all over the world. The most amazing was from a Japanese journalist who says it resembles a dangerous creature from an ancient Japanese legend.

Scott Corrales quotes Martinez as saying, “Japan’s most important newspaper (Asahi Shimbun) published the photo. The fact of the matter is that they have had a legend for thousands of years about a creature called the Kappa. According to them, the figure in the photo resembles the legendary creature.”
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There is a powerful new Dreamland Special available when you spawn the Windows Media Player: the last item on the list is Whitley Strieber’s impassioned discussion of the Master of the Key’s warnings on climate change that led to Superstorm and the Day After Tomorrow. Those of you who keep up with this website know this secret: a major motion picture all began with an encounter in a Toronto hotel room.

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