When the Spanish encountered the indigenous people in some parts of Latin America, they were shocked to discover that they practiced child sacrifice. The naturally-preserved mummies of these children are still being found on mountain tops today. NowScott Corrales reports that this is still happening in Chile, where a child was sacrificed in 1960 to bring an end to a series of severe earthquakes.

These were extremely destructive quakes that set off an enormous tsunami. During a two week period, one of them reached 9.8, the highest number ever recorded on the Richter scale. Seismologist Edgar Kausel says, “There were nine earthquakes all along the country, running from May 22 to June 6.”
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Between 1645 and 1714, Europe experienced a Little Ice Age. Astronomers who worry about The Day After Tomorrow happening again are studying the sun. While a new ice age could be caused by dropping ocean currents, triggered by an ice melt caused by global warming, the sun may be involved as well.

There was almost no sunspot activity during that period, meaning the sun was cooler and didn’t heat up the Earth as much as usual. Astronomers are looking at other stars, to see if they go through the same kind of sunspot cycles. Sun activity usually goes through an 11 year cycle, although it’s been unusually active during the past few years.
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Eric writes: My story is so much like the movie Communion, I was literally blown away when I watched it a few months ago. It has made me believe that we are being abducted and there is no chance of all of this being a dream.
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Scientists have found that if you’re offered a variety of different foods, you’ll eat more. Researcher Brian Wansink found that people offered M&Ms or jelly beans will eat more if they’re offered many different colors, even if they all taste the same. People who were offered 10 colors of M&Ms ate 43% more than people offered seven colors. Another of his inventions is the refillable soup bowl. He found that with this bowl, women ate 30% more soup and men ate 40% more. When he gave people different sized buckets of stale popcorn, the people with the largest buckets ate 31% more even though he says it “tasted terrible.”
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