Anne Strieber interviews author and Rolling Stone contributing editor Randall Sullivan, who takes us on a journey into the wonderful world of religious apparitions and miracle investigations. Do they really happen? What does a hard-nosed modern reporter with a strong secular bias have to say?read more

Like Whitley, Judith K. Moore was the victim of harsh and terrifying childhood ‘classes’ so traumatic that she did not remember them until she was in her mid forties. Listen as the two of them compare their experiences in one of the most chilling interviews you will ever hear.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

In Europe, Asia, South America, Canada, Mexico and Australia, people are using an incredibly effective sunscreen containing the ingredient Mexoryl, which is illegal in the U.S. “It produces a product which gives us almost perfect protection against sunshine, or at least as good as we can get at this time,” says dermatologist Dr. Vincent Deleo.

Dermatologist Dr. Darrell Rigel says, “Mexoryl is over two times better than any other combination of ingredients that currently exist, in terms of protecting from ultraviolet A radiation.” The sun’s ultraviolet A radiation can penetrate glass and contributes to skin cancer, which strikes a million Americans every year.
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The Kirin Brewery Company in Japan has produced a genetically-engineered cow that is immune to Mad Cow Disease because it carries none of the prions that cause the disease. The animal hasn’t been born yet, but it will not be used to produce a species of Mad Cow free cows; instead, it will be used for medical research. A Kirin official says, “Because there are ethical issues involving gene recombination, we have no intention of disclosing the technology. We never do any gene recombination to produce anything that can be eaten.”
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