Hybrid cars, that use both a gasoline engine and an electric motor, could put rescue workers at risk of serious electrical shocks as they try to rescue people from crashed cars. “If you’re walking up to a [hybrid] car that’s laid up on its side, the last thing we’re looking forward to is getting electrocuted,” says volunteer fireman Herbert Scott. “Without a doubt there will be a day where that will happen.”
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While most oil experts think we’re running out fast, a small group thinks that oil is a renewable substance, produced under high heat and pressure deep within the Earth’s crust. That means we would never run out of oil, since it’s always being created. However, if we keep burning it forever, it will be the end of us, since it produces greenhouse gases that accelerate global warming.
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In our latest poll, we ask you if, compared to 5 years ago, your local weather is much more or somewhat more violent and changeable, about the same, or more stable. Instead of just listening to the scientists and the government, we want to find out if global warming is happening to you!

In our last poll, we asked you if the U.S. should re-institute the draft. Almost all of you (79%) said “No.” 15% said, “Yes, immediately,” and 6% said, “Only if we experience a general uprising in Iraq.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

The five western lowland gorillas in the Dallas Zoo are being kept away from the public, since one escaped on March 18 and injured three people before being killed by police. The remaining gorillas are stressed from being kept indoors, and zoo officials are trying to ease this with television. The gorillas each have their favorite shows.

The Dallas Morning News reports that fourteen-year-old Patrick likes cartoons, public television, and National Geographic specials, but sports bore him. Keeper Cindy McCaleb says, “We tried to put on sports, even though we were concerned it might generate aggressive behavior, but he really wasn’t interested.”
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