A skin infection that is resistant to all but the most powerful antibiotics and can be passed by touch has moved from New York City hospitals out into the streets. Dr. Howard Grossman says, “Usually with infections you need a break in the skin to pass it. Not with this. It gets through unbroken skin with casual contact.”

Sam Smith writes in the New York Post that it can cause abscesses, tissue loss, amputation or even death in severe cases. Doctors at some clinics are seeing one new case a week, compared to one every two months a year ago. Dr. Dawn Harbatkin says, “This is something we should be concerned about.”
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An 7.9 earthquake in Alaska in 2002 set off 200 smaller earthquakes 2,000 miles away in Yellowstone National Park. Now scientists have discovered that it also changed the schedule of some of Yellowstone’s geysers and hot springs, which are near where most of the quakes occurred.

Seismologist Robert B. Smith says, “We did not expect to see these prolonged changes in the hydrothermal system? Several small hot springs, not known to have geysered before, suddenly surged into a heavy boil with eruptions as high as [39 inches]. The temperature at one of these springs increased rapidly from [about 108 to 199 degrees Fahrenheit] and became much less acidic than normal. In the same area, another hot spring that was usually clear showed muddy, turbid water.”
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Heather: I just wanted to share with you both that my husband and I are off to the movies this afternoon to go and experience ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and I am wearing my unknowncountry.com t-shirt. I hope I get at least one person there to recognize it?LATER: Price of 2 adult movie tickets: $14.00 Price of one small popcorn and a large water at concession stand: $6.75 Watching summer blockbuster movie made from book by two men I admire, while tightly clenching husband’s hand: priceless.

Ken: Saw your movie “The Day After Tomorrow” yesterday morning, the first showing at our local theatre. It was great to see your names in the credits (I always watch the credits). By the way, it has been raining here in the Midwest almost non-stop for weeks and weeks.
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One reader writes: I have had many, many, unusual experiences during my lifetime. I am now about to tell you a story of horrora true story that has happened to me.

It was 1977, and I was living in a basement apartment in Fargo, North Dakota, with my boyfriend Paul, who attended North Dakota State University, while I worked at a place called Mexican Village as a hostess/bookkeeper. I was in the process of finding myself and still did not know what I would do with my life. The small apartment had three tiny rooms, and was one of about four units.
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