There?s a certain type of sudden realization that cartoonists often portray with a light bulb going on over the head?the “Eureka!” experience. What?s going on inside our brains when this happens?

Mark Jung-Beeman says this happens “when you need to tie together things that are distantly related. That’s exactly what an insight is. It’s tying together information that people already know, but they don’t recognize how they are related until that key moment.”
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Ahmed Osman says that Tutankhamen, Jesus and Joshua are all the same person and he offers some powerful evidence that, at the very least, our current histories are completely wrong. But does this mean that he thinks Jesus wasn’t charged with divinity? Listen to the inspirational new vision of the life of Christ with an open mind and heart. Note: Due to technical difficulties, there will be no high bandwidth version of Dreamland this week.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Last week on Dreamland, William Mann told the thrilling story of the Knights Templar in Canada. And Whitley wondered aloud if maybe the Master of the Key might be a modern Knight still in possession of the ancient secret knowledge. Now William is back with MORE information and it is mind-bending. Prepare to be amazed.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Tommy Woodard took a digital photo in Provo, Utah that appears to be a UFO hovering over some trees. He was taking photos in Provo Canyon on Tuesday while scouting for a possible film location. He didn’t notice anything unusual in the photograph, until he noticed a small speck in the corner. He zoomed in on it and saw the UFO.

He says, “The closer I got, the more impressed I got by it. I was kind of skeptical but it’s pretty obvious when you zoom in.” He called the Hill Air Force Base to ask if any planes were flying in the canyon onTuesday but says, “They kind of laughed, you know.”
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