The rate of obesity in the U.S. started to increase in the 1970s, about the same time that manufacturers switched from sugar to cheaper corn syrup for their colas and other soft drinks. Now researchers say this may be because high fructose corn syrup?a food, like margarine, that is created in the lab and not found in nature?does not trigger the same appetite response in the body as sugar, so it’s more likely to make us fat.
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Dave Louthan, who has been interviewed on Dreamland and mentioned in our newsletter several times, is an authentic hero who caught the USDA in a lie and forced them to start inspecting many more cattle for Mad Cow Disease. Now he needs our help. We’ve sent him a check. Please read his letter and consider doing the same.

“Hi, my name is Dave Louthan. I’m the killer of the mad cow. I’m also the USDA’s worst nightmare. They started lying the second that the word of a positive BSE test slipped out. I started contradicting them one minute later. I have blown their ‘based on science’ lies right out of the water.
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King Tutankhamun drank red wine, according to a new scientific method that can determine the color of the wine residue found in the ancient jars that were buried with him in his tomb.

Scientists have found wine in a jar from 5400 BC in present-day Iran. But our earliest knowledge about wine growing comes from ancient Egypt, where the winemaking process was depicted on tomb walls in drawings from 2600 BC. “Wine in ancient Egypt was a drink of great importance, consumed by the upper classes and the kings,” says Egyptologist Maria Rosa Guasch-Jan

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Scientists now agree that HIV started in Africa from people eating dead monkeys–or “bushmeat”–that had the disease. The virus then mutated into a form that can infect human beings. Now researchers say it’s happening again in Africa with a brand-new virus. Will this one be as deadly as AIDS?

Andy Coghlan writes in New Scientist that once again, the virus jumped from monkeys to man from the eating of bushmeat. It was once thought that such a mutation was rare, but now scientists think it may be common. “Our research shows the transmission of retroviruses to humans is not limited to a few, isolated occurrences like those that gave rise to HIV,” says researcher Nathan Wolfe. “It’s a regular phenomenon, and a cause for concern.”
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