The Mystery of the Elmendorf Beast
There’s a genuine cryptozoological mystery deep in the heartof Texas. A rancher in Elmendorf, Texas, shot a strangeanimal that ate 35 of his chickens in a single day.Scientists who have examined the creature’s body have notbeen able to identify it. is having DNAtesting done on the body. For more information and pictures,read the full story.
The Elmendorf beast is a strange, hairless dog-lookingcreature with a blue-gray color and strangely-shaped teeth.Macanally says, “First thing that came to my mind, is surelyeverybody’s gonna think this is a Chupacabra. But it’s soodd because it has no hair.” One woman who saw a photo of itsays it’s exactly how her grandmother described theChupacabras she saw.
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