There’s a genuine cryptozoological mystery deep in the heartof Texas. A rancher in Elmendorf, Texas, shot a strangeanimal that ate 35 of his chickens in a single day.Scientists who have examined the creature’s body have notbeen able to identify it. is having DNAtesting done on the body. For more information and pictures,read the full story.

The Elmendorf beast is a strange, hairless dog-lookingcreature with a blue-gray color and strangely-shaped teeth.Macanally says, “First thing that came to my mind, is surelyeverybody’s gonna think this is a Chupacabra. But it’s soodd because it has no hair.” One woman who saw a photo of itsays it’s exactly how her grandmother described theChupacabras she saw.
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We’re beginning to notice that there arefewerbutterflies around this year. People who monitor Monarchbutterflies in Minnesota blame it on less milkweed, which isthe butterflies’ favorite food and the only place they laytheir eggs, but they don’t know why there’s less of itaround than there used to be.

Butterfly expert Karen Oberhauser says, “There’s adisturbing indication that [the population] is going down,because we’ve had three low years [of milkweed growth] in arow. It’s kind of a complicated problem because there’s notone smoking gun.”
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Don’t pick a fight with someone who has ears, fingers orfeet of different sizes or shapes, because they’re morelikely to react aggressively. Scientists think that earlystress in the womb from things such as a mother’s smoking ordrinking can cause these small physical imperfections andalso poor impulse control.

Researcher Zeynep Benderlioglu says, “Stressors duringpregnancy may lead to asymmetrical body parts. The samestressors will also affect development of the centralnervous system, which involves impulse control andaggression. So while asymmetry doesn’t cause aggression,they both seem to be correlated to similar factors duringpregnancy.”
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English farmer Mark Purdey says that Mad Cow Disease isreally Manganese Madness.

Purdey notes that feeding cattle the meat and bone meal fromother cows was banned in Britain in 1988, but despite thisfact, 40,000 cattle born there after the ban have come downwith Mad Cow. In Ireland, Portugal, and France, there havealso been more cases after the meat and bone meal feed wasbanned in these countries.
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