We have only one copy left of many of the books on our newsale and more of them sell out every day.To find out which books are still available, keep reading so you can order them before they disappear fromour store forever!

We have only a few copies left of:I?m Still Hungry,Lab257, PastLives Future Lives,CIA?sControl of Candy Jones,TheFuture is Yours,ThePower of Intention, UnlockingAlien Closets,TheLuck Factor,TheWoman with the Alabaster Jar and World?sEnd 2009.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

A beautiful short Quicktime film, the Art of Dana Augustine,is available to Unknowncountry.com subscribers. Be sure toindulge yourself in a few minutes of pleasure watching thisbeautiful film that will bring back memories of many greatDreamland mastheads, as well as Dana’s other artworks. We’reproud to have Dana Augustine as our staff artist anddelighted to showcase his talent. Log in to the subscribersection and go to the video area to view the film. To seemore of Dana’s art,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

We may soon say good-bye to wines from Italy and France,since those regions are becoming too warm to grow grapes.But it won’t be the end of wine?we’ll be drinking GermanChianti and English Champagne instead.

Climatologist Gregory Jones says, “We estimate that within50 years temperatures in the region of Chianti, wheresummers are already very hot, will rise by an average of(3.6 degrees Fahrenheit). The ideal climatic conditions forproducing what we today call Chianti will be in Germany,just as those for producing Champagne or Bordeaux wines willbe found in southern England.”

But Giovanni Ricasoli of Gallo wines says, “It is true thatthe climate has changed these last years, but that hasresulted in some excellent harvests as well.”
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One scientist says that the real amount of global warming isbeing masked by air pollution, and if pollution is reduced,the Earth will heat up more quickly. Another scientistclaims acid rain is good, because it slows down globalwarming.

Researcher Meinrat Andreae says tiny particles of sulphur orcarbon in the air help to cool the planet down. Some ofthese particles come from volcanoes, but most of them comefrom the burning of fossil fuels. These aerosol particlesabsorb or scatter radiation from the sun, and create modifyclouds and thus more rain.
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