A meteorite impact helped wipe out the dinosaurs 65 millionyears ago. Now satellites have discovered that anotherimpact the same size hit the Earth more recently, whenhumans were alive. It didn’t end our species because it hitduring an ice age and sank into the Antarctic ice. Much morerecently, in England, a woman was hit by a meteorite whilehanging her laundry out to dry.
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Researchers are searching the ocean forDeadZones?areas with extremely low levels of oxygen that cannotsustain life. Last summer, a huge Dead Zone settled in onthe coast of Oregon, causing fish and crustaceans to die. Itdisappeared in the fall, but now it’s back. OceanologistJack Barth says, “What I think we are seeing is a tipping ofthe balance of the ecosystem. We don’t fully understand whatthe cause of that is.”
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Whitley Strieber had a youthful friendship with one of theauthors of the controversial Swiftboat ad campaign. Hewrites: “The mastermind behind the Swiftboat commercialspresently causing such controversy is Houston lawyer JohnEllis O’Neill. John and I were close friends at CentralCatholic High School in San Antonio, between 1960 and 1963.We were debaters and often debated as partners, sometimes asopponents.” So what does Whitley think of the ads? To find out,click here.

Do you believe John Kerry deserves his Vietnam medals? Votein our new poll.Keep reading to learn the results of our last poll.
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The mastermind behind the Swiftboat commercials presently causing such controversy is Houston lawyer John Ellis O’Neill. John and I were close friends at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, between 1960 and 1963. We were debaters and often debated as partners, sometimes as opponents.

John was the son of an admiral. They weren’t from San Antonio. The Admiral had retired here and was involved in residential development to supplement his income. John was, in those days, very much as he appears now: a frumpy, genial fellow with an extremely good mind. He was also loyal to his friends and to those whom he loved, to a fault.
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