My last journal entry drew practically no comment. This was quite unusual. Generally, there’s a load of mail, pro and con. I know why it received this silence: nobody wanted to think about what it meant, which is that if a wider mideast war is on the way, we are not going to see it coming because we have lost crucial intelligence resources in Iran.

Nobody wanted to consider that there might be a traitor in a high position in the White House. It’s just too terrifying. Unfortunately, it’s also likely to be true, or Valerie Plame would never had been ‘outed.’ What is even more disturbing, the Grand Jury investigation has now turned to Robert Novak and other members of the press.
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Most approaches to spiritual change don’t do a single thing to help us. But Whitley Strieber knows more than most about what works and what doesn’t, which is why our programs on spirituality are so popular. Listen as Hank Wesselman describes a powerful means of personal change. Then Linda with a chilling story on RNA that will create living machines–maybe INSIDE your body.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Subscribers get to hear inside information about the Coral Castle in Florida from George Naruns, who met a relative of Ed Leedskalnin, the late creator of Coral Castle, while on a trip to Latvia. Since George?s parents are Latvian, he speaks the language and travels there frequently, so he could understand the details he was told. Naruns has personally researched Coral Castle for over 25 years.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

George Naruns is of Latvian background and speaks fluentLatvian. He is also in business in Latvia and the UnitedStates, and has has a 25 year fascination with EdLeedskalnin’s mysterious CoralCastle in Flordia.

George believes that a Latvian man, John Leedskalnin whocould be related to Ed, may also have the secret of theCoral Castle.

Both Ed and John make use of a simple tripod arrangementof poles to lift very large tonnage. Ed’s lifting device canbe compared to John’s by looking at the two pictures in thisarticle. John says that he could lift as much as ten tonswith his, using only a block and tackle placed in the apexof the tripod.
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