In his new journal,Whitley writes about a possible war between Iran and Israel,now that Iran may have a nuclear bomb. He says a widerMideast war is on the way, and we are not going to see itcoming, because we have lost crucial intelligence resourcesin Iran due to the loss of ‘outed’ spy Valerie Plame.

GeorgeNaruns believes that a Latvian man, John Leedskalnin, whocould be related to the man who built the Coral Castle inFlorida, may have the secret of how the huge stones werelifted. To view the images that Whitley and George discussin this week’s Dreamland subscriber interview,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

One very mysterious Mysterious Powers! Anne has discovered a type of ancient magic that’s been almost totally hidden until now. She interviews Simon Buxton, author of “The Shamanic Way of the Bee.” That’s right, the bee! It turns out that bee magic has been a part of secret tradition around the world for thousands of years.While we’ve been searching for gurus in the exotic East, this spiritual path has secretly existed among us all along. There’s much magic to be learned from following the way of the more

In Brazil, dogs are undergoing plastic surgery. Dr. EdgardBrito, who gives them wrinkle-reductions with Botoxinjections, as well as full facelifts, says, “Why shouldn’ta dog be beautiful?” But just as we don’t want artificially-enhanced athletescompeting in the Olympics, dog shows don’t want competitionfrom surgically-altered animals. But dog shows have an evenbetter reason: winning dogs often command high prices forproducing puppies, but if their winning traits come fromsurgery, they won’t be able to pass them on.

In, Steve Kingstone quotes dog owner Anita Alt,who has had plastic surgery done on her miniature schnauzerBrutus. She says, “We imported Brutus from Argentina to be ashow dog.”
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One of the first signs of global warming is missingbirds andinsects. As the weather changes, they’re turning up in newplaces and missing from their old haunts. Since some birdsand butterflies migrate annually, they may also be confusedby the pole shift, which is in progress right now.

The number of Red Admiral, Orange Sulphur and Painted Ladybutterflies in the Chicago area has dropped dramaticallythis summer. Naturalist Jack Pomatto says, “I don’t know ifit’s because of the drought or the cold summer or thestrange weather, but it’s a disappointment.”
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