We recently wrote about abig wave thatwill inevitably drown the East Coast of the U.S.?but nobodyknows when it will come. This will happen when a collapsingvolcano in the Canary Islands finally drops into the sea.But now oceanographer Russell Wynn says, “?If you drop abrick into a bath [tub] you get a big splash, but if youbreak that brick up into several pieces and drop them in oneby one, you get several small splashes. Therefore amulti-stage failure would certainly not generate tsunamiscapable of damaging the coastlines of southern England orthe American east coast….”
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…And our shelves are getting cleaner every day. We’vealready sold out of one item and many more are about todisappear from our store forever–so act now to get thosebooks you’ve always wanted to read at a discount price! Keepreading to find out what’s on sale.

Many of us make our New Year’s resolutions in the fall,instead of in January. Want to finallylose weight, learn to controlyour future (and others’ too), learn aboutyour past, learn how toget lucky and getwhat you really want out of life?

Maybe you’re curious and want to know more aboutBigfoot andmind control andsecret labs andsecret messages and theend of the world?not to mentionET.
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We are receiving a lot of alternate news from Florida that tells a very much different story from the one appearing in the general media. We have not fact checked these stories, but they are coming in a wave of pain and despair, and they mean, to us, that what is unfolding there is almost certainly much worse than the CNNs and Fox News channels of the world are telling us. What is most disturbing and convincing is that the story of Hurricane Charley disappeared from the general media so quickly. But the pain, the loss, the devastation of ordinary American lives has continuedforgotten, of course, by the elite that rule the country and the media that follows them. This is one of many such ‘underground’ reports. Is it an accurate depiction of what’s happening in Florida We fear so…read more

Women are more likely to give birth to a boy if they’re inan environment that will allow them to live to an old age,because healthy women have more testosterone, which promotesthe survival of the male fetus. But women who only thinkthey’ll live a long time also have more boys.

This correlates with an earlier story showing that when sickpeople are prayed for?even if they don?t know it?they?ll getwell faster, but only if theybelieve in thepower of prayer.
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