A new $75,000 security system installed in the Kent County,Maryland courthouse caught images of a strange light”walking” in one stairwell. Security officer Phillip Pricesays, “It didn’t show up to the eye, but it showed up ontape.” But it may be a bug splat on the camera lens.

After noticing the light on the camera, Price investigatedpersonally, but didn’t see anything. But downstairs, whileemployees watched, the video monitor showed the light movingahead of Price, stopping when he stopped and starting whenhe started. Price says, “I felt a real chill, I will tellyou that.”
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One of the major criticisms of the film “The Day AfterTomorrow,” inspired by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell’s book”The Coming Global Superstorm,” was that climate changetakes place slowly, not suddenly, as it did in the movie.However, Whitley’s research uncovered facts such asnow-extinct mastodons that had been quick-frozen with plantsstill in their mouths, proving that ice ages arrivedsuddenly in the past. A new Greenland ice core backs thisup. Scientists recently discovered the remains ofquick-frozen plants embedded in the ice, two miles below thesurface, that are several million years old.
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We are receiving a lot of alternate news from Florida thattells a very much different story from the one appearing inthe general media. We have not fact checked these stories,but they are coming in a wave of pain and despair, and theymean, to us, that what is unfolding there is almostcertainly much worse than the CNNs and Fox News channels ofthe world are telling us. What is most disturbing andconvincing is that the story of Hurricane Charleydisappeared from the general media so quickly. But the pain,the loss, the devastation of ordinary American lives hascontinued?forgotten, of course, by the elite that rule thecountry and the media that follows them. This is one of manysuchundergroundreports. Is it an accurate depiction of what’s happening inFlorida? We fear so…
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We’ve been getting lots of e-mails about The Vike Report,which can be heard every other week on Mysterious Powers, sowe know you’re listening. Brian lives in Canada, but he getse-mails about UFO sightings and abductions from all over theworld. Help him track UFO “waves” by reporting your sightingto him at hbccufo@telus.net. Don’t hesitate?he wants to hearfrom you. You can visit his website athttp://www.hbccufo.com. And don’t miss The Vike Report atthe end of Anne’s interview with Simon Buxton on this week’sMysterious Powers show, which you can listen to for free forone month (and longer, if you’re a subscriber), startingSaturday at 1 p.m. Pacific time.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more