In our latest edition of the new Communion Letters, we hear from Cindi, who writes: My grandmother told my mother when she was young that her father was a “space man.” This was in the 1940’s. My mother told me that she’s been visited several times and suspects that my father was also a “space man.” She thinks the fact that I had two sets of baby teeth provides some small proof of this. How, I’m not sure, but it’s my mom’s theory, not mine.
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In our latest edition of the newCommunionLetters, we hear fromCindi,who writes: My grandmother told my mother when she wasyoung that her father was a “space man.” This was in the1940’s. My mother told me that she’s been visited severaltimes and suspects that my father was also a “space man.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Archeologists have discovered a cave in Israel with 28 stepsleading down to an underground pool of water where theythink John the Baptist baptized many of the disciples.Shimon Gibson says, “John the Baptist, who was just a figurefrom the Gospels, now comes to life.”

Karin Laub writes that archaeologists found wall carvingsthat tell the story of John, including one showing a manwith a staff and wearing animal skin, the way John has beendescribed in the Gospels. They also found a stone with animprint of a foot on it, which they believe was used forceremonial foot washing.
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Sequoia Voting Systems say their touch-screen machinesprovide “nothing less than 100% accuracy.” But when theydemonstrated their new paper-trail electronic votingmachines for the California state senate, they found themachines failed to record votes from testers usingSpanish-language ballots. These omissions wouldn?t have beendiscovered without the paper trail. In, Kim Zetter quotes election consultant DarrenChesin as saying, “We did it again and the same thinghappened?The paper trail worked flawlessly, but it caught amistake in the programming of the touch-screen more