In our newInsight,Richard Dolan writes: Unless you consciously look for suchnews, you would never know that UFOs continue to be seen bypeople every day, around the world. The difference betweenthe reality of the phenomena, and how it is ignored, remindsme of what Alice experienced when she jumped down the rabbithole into Wonderland. But the twist in our society is thatthe reality of UFO experience is part of the normal, topsideworld, while mainstream media coverage is part of Wonderland.

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The UFO crash in July, 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico has become one of the most enduring of American mysteries. In this fascinating interview, dig researcher Don Schmitt describes what was found at the site INCLUDING what was not mentioned on the Science Fiction Channel documentary. Something happened at Roswell, and the truth is being dug up at last. Then Linda reports on an exceptionally weird calf mutilation and some sobering news about changes in our oceans.

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Master Crop Circle researcher Lucy Pringle tells us about this season, including the stunning new Silbury Hill formation, being called the most extraordinary and most important of all crop circles. A truly thrilling interview.

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Dana Augustine offers this beautiful video of some of his most powerful and moving art set to music. A lovely viewing experience. Note: This video is in Quicktime format, so you’ll need the Free, Quicktime player in order to view it.
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