Date: December 9, 1965

On December 9, 1965 hundreds of eyewitnesses watched an amazing object streak across the sky, the object was witnessed from Canada all the way to Kecksburg, Pennsylvania where the object crash landed. Soon after it was reported to be a spectacular meteorite by military and other officials. Eyewitnesses who saw the object, claimed what they saw sitting in a ravine was certainly no meteorite, but rather an unknown object.

I received an email from a gentleman who told me he had been witness to the crashed object at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. What I didn’t realize was that this fellow, who was 15 years old at the time, and out hunting with his brother and a friend may have been the first eyewitness to actually see the crashed object.
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William Henry and the National Geographic Channel have been exploring Egypt together, and William has returned with new discoveries. As part of a special about Atlantis, NGC joined William in Egypt, on the theory that, if there is anything in the Atlantis story, it must connect to lost information that is reflected in early Egyptian culture. Then Linda Howe reports on a crop circle made in ICE!

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Stephen Mehler joins William Henry in a truly eye-opening discussion of ancient Egypt as it is described by traditional Egyptian teachers, rather than modern archaeologists. They discuss the idea that the linear evolution of Egypt as described by western archaeologists is not accurate, but that the past must be understood as the past understood it, in cycles. Awesome ideas.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

As local residents carried out age-old magical ritualsdesigned to quiet the volcano, the Indonesian governmentordered mass evacuations from thearea of Mt. Merapi today, as a major eruption now appears tobe imminent. The ten thousand foot mountain is in a denselypopulated region of central Java, and has gone into a stateof continuous lava flow. The danger from this volcano is notthe relatively slow moving lava mass, but rather that therecould be a sudden eruption of gas from the crater. In 1994,such a gas discharge killed 60 people near the volcano, andthere are now many more living in the area.
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