In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes about a trip she and Whitley took to New York City?and the insights she gained there.

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There are mysterious forces agitating deep beneath Yellowstone National Park, sending up geysers of water in unexpected places. Much of the park is actually a dormant volcano, but it may not be dormant for much longer.

Bjorn Carey writes in that in the past 10 years, this volcano has risen almost 5 inches, which indicates that molten rock is flowing deep under the earth. This leads to vent holes, which sent out smoke, gas and water. Some of the water geysers in the park, such as the one called the Steamboat, are the largest geysers in the world.
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Scientists have discovered that, like so many other things, the enjoyment of reading is in your DNA.

Researcher Phillip Dale says, “Children don’t come into this world as clay to be molded. They do have their own interests because there is a genetic component” and “It is often more than one gene that determines the interests a child will learn toward.” It’s the old nature-versus-nurture controversy. School teachers all say that in their experience, children who are read to by their parents?and who see their parents reading?are much more likely to pick up a book. Like so many other DNA studies, this one was done by interviewing twins?more than 6,000 of them in this case, all of whom are between 8 and 10 years old.
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We recently wrote about how some modern miseries aren’t so modern after all. But good things happened in the past, as well. The oldest remains of a seafaring ship ever found has just been discovered in a cave in Egypt.

Florida archeologist Cheryl Ward found wooden planks found in the manmade caves in Egypt that are about 4,000 years old, making them the world’s most ancient ship timbers. Scholars have long known that Egyptians traded with cultures in what is now Ethiopia and Yemen, but they weren’t sure if they traveled by land or by sea, since many scientists thought the ancient Egyptians did not have the naval technology to travel long distances on open water.
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