There’s a favorite painting of mine called “Boulevard of Broken Dreams,” that features Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean sitting at the counter in a diner and being served by Elvis. I had a “Dreamland” moment like that while giving a presentation on Starwalker s and the Dimension of the Blessed the other night at the Zero Point Research Center in Santa Monica, CA. I looked out in my audience and saw the three iconic faces of Whitley Strieber, Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer triangulating one another. Wow! It was like going to Vegas and having all the fruit line up. I kept thinking about the incredible hard-earned wisdom, talent, and strength these three embody. I was thrilled to play Elvis and serve my best stuff (with a smile deep down inside).
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A new study reveals that online daters, both men and women, usually fib about either their height or weight, and sometimes their age. In their internet ads, men systematically overestimated their height, while women more commonly underestimated their weight. Communications expert Jeffrey Hancock says, “Surprisingly, age-related deception was minimal and did not differ by gender.”

About 52.6% of the men in the study lied about their height, as did 39% of the women. Slightly more women lied about their weight (64.1%) than did men (60.5%). When it came to age, 24.3% of the men were untruthful, compared with 13.1% of the women.
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Mites, pesticides and extreme winter weather are being blamed for the loss of billions of bees just as they are needed to pollinate crops nationwide. The number of honeybee colonies in the US has dropped by 50% in the past 25 years, and the winter die-off this year has made the situation much worse. Without bees to pollinate them, crops fail. There is no other means of pollination.
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Will your new lover cheat on you? One way to avoid this is to make sure the two of you are genetically compatible.

A new study shows that a group of genes that are involved in your immune system can predict what type of person you will be sexually attracted to?as well as how faithful this person will be! In, Jeanna Bryner quotes psychologist Christine Garver-Apgar as saying, “These are some of the first findings that I know of that get at this idea of romantic chemistry and what it is exactly that makes two people just so compatible and attracted to each other.”
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