Whitley will be talking on the Sirius radio show Angels on Call, hosted by psychic Mary Occhino, on Wednesday, March 7. The show runs from 5 to 8 a.m. Pacific (8-11 a.m. Eastern), and Whitley will be on from 7-8 a.m. Pacific. He’ll be taking calls from listeners at 1-888-4-102-102. For more information, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

“Cameron Crazies”it used to be that they were just the fanatical student supporters of Duke University’s basketball teams, named for Duke’s Cameron Indoor Stadium. However, after the hubbub around the release of Cameron’s film The Tomb of Jesus, I’d say that Cameron Crazies now also refers to all the hysterical critics driven crazy by writer-director James Cameron.

“Everyone around me had basically said, ‘You stink. You suck. You don’t know what you’re doing.’ recalls Cameron about his early career. Once again the Cameron Crazies are saying the same thing to him: theologians, archaeologists, quackademics, talking puppets on the cable channels and web writers.
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Whether or not Jesus rose from the dead is arguably the most important question in the history of western civilization. It is also irrelevant and based on a misunderstanding of the process of resurrection, and should not be important at all. He both died and remained dead, and was resurrected. After the resurrection, his body remained in the tomb and was undoubtedly taken away to be buried somewhere.

Perhaps the burial place has been found and perhaps not. Certainly, an interesting tomb has been found, as was shown in the recent TV film, the Lost Tomb of Jesus.
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Federal Courts have ruled against the USDA in three cases for failing to carry out proper environment impact assessment, making their original approvals of GM crops illegal. One of the biggest problems with these crops is that they pollute nearby fields, something that is especially worrisome to farmers who grow organic crops, which are becoming more popular every day.
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