Freddy Silva and Steven Halpern have teamed up to create one of the most powerful, moving and informative DVDs ever to come out of Egypt. Then Linda Howe tells us about a WEIRD cat-and-mouse game that UFOs play with some of the people who observe them.

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Whitley Strieber asks Freddy Silva a simple question: what is the resurrection energy, and how does it relate to ancient sacred sites and the power they represent. To get full advantage from the very unusual and extraordinary information in this interview, be sure and visit Jim Alison’s website, which is discussed extensively.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Maybe just one good thought is all it takes to change the world. On Saturday, March 24 at 10 am Pacific time, tens of thousands of volunteers from around the world will participate in a series of web-based experiments, which will form the largest mind-over-matter study in history. Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment, was on our March 17 Dreamland show, talking about this incredible experiment in mind control, which she has designed with Dr. Gary Schwartz, who has also been a guest on Dreamland. The first experiment will be to try to make a geranium leaf glow. Ifthis works, the next step will be to try to effect global warming in a postive way by using group minds to lower the earth’s temperature. To register for the Intention Project, click here.
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Whitley’s Insight about The Coming Economic Collapse has received so many hits, that Whitley has updated it with information about investment strategies for the near future. “The elephant in the room” is a phrase for something that everybody KNOWS is there, but no one wants to acknowledge. In his new journal, Whitley writes: “In order to take the next step, all we need to do is recognize the elephant in the living room: it is not thefact that UFOs are real. That’s just the mouse. It’s the fact that millions of human beings have been in them and come face to face with their mysterious occupants, forbetter or for worse. That’s the elephant.” In fact, the elephant is now STAMPEDING in the living room.
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