The Office of the President Elect has created a websitecalled that asks citizens to propose and vote ona large number of different issues. ONE OF THOSE ISSUES ISUFO DISCLOSURE. We urge you toCLICKHERE to vote YES on this issue right away, and, if youwish, add your comment. To see Whitley’s comment, keep reading.

This is Whitley Strieber’s comment, added at the site:

It is long past time for government to acknowledge the factthat something strange andunexplained, at least to the public, is appearing in ourskies and, for many of us, also in our lives.
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What attracts them to flowers? Iridescence! – We know what blind people see in their dreams, but what do bees see?why do they zoom in on certain nectar-rich flowers and ignore others? It?s not just the colors they?re attracted to, it’s their shimmering iridescence.

In the January 2nd edition of the Independent, John von Radowitz explains that bees can see colors and “landing strip” markings on flowers that are invisible to us. One of the things that attracts them the most is a pearly luminescence of the kind that we can see in an oil slick on a highway. CDs are another example of a man-made iridescent item. Iridescence depends on surface structure of the petal, so the tones change according to the angle at which the flower is seen.
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Tires from soy flour & NEW CAR BATTERIES – At the recent Detroit auto show, desperate car companies displayed their new models to a largely bored crowd. The only thing that caught people’s interest was the new electric car, the Chevy Volt. If the car companies survive, the only thing that will save them is innovation, such as helping the environment by making car parts out of biodegradable materials and by inventing more powerful car batteries.

Cars may be made from cocoanuts in the future. Researchers are trying to bring industry to Third World countries by identifying a variety of low-cost products that can be manufactured from coconuts in poor coastal regions. Their latest idea? Use coconut husks in automotive interiors.
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Why can’t the US do it too? – The Brits did it, the French did it, Canada did it, and now Brazil has done it?but we still resist declassifying our UFO information. Most Americans think that should change, but will that ever happen?

When Brazil was a military dictatorship, from 1964-85, the intelligence agency (the SNI) investigated UFO sightings for years. Those documents are being declassified now.
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