Daylight cylinder over NY/NJ. Good video
This is a pretty strong video. No evidence of CGI work, no evidence that it’s a plane. Probable genuine unknown.
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This is a pretty strong video. No evidence of CGI work, no evidence that it’s a plane. Probable genuine unknown.
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Shades of the Canadian Shag Harbor incident of 1967, where a number of witnesses saw a large object drop into the lake. It was searched for extensively, but never found. This one will never even be searched for.
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As the presidential race heats up, the climate is heating up too–perhaps irreversibly–but despite this, politicians are denying that climate change even EXISTS in order to garner votes from frightened constituents.
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Past studies have shown "college is the great equalizer" in the labor market, dampening social class differences. But the same can’t be said for the marriage market: Social and cultural factors, not just income, are central to marriage more