Recent research into how the brain develops suggests that people are better equipped to make major life decisions in their late 20s than earlier in the decade. It turns out that the brain is still evolving into its adult shape well into a our 30’s, getting rid of unused connections and strengthening those that remain. The front part of the brain, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last brain regions to mature. This is the area responsible for planning, prioritizing and controlling impulses.
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Will we still be able to breathe in the future? Scientists have invented one of the greatest medical breakthroughs in years: A microparticle that can be injected into a person’s bloodstream that will quickly oxygenate their blood. It will work if the ability to breathe has been restricted, or even cut off entirely, and will be great for asthma sufferers and drowning victims. It could save millions of lives a year, as well as prevent heart attacks or brain injuries that can occur when oxygen is restricted or cut off.
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Several new studies report that the impact to the US West Coast from Fukushima may be larger than anticipated. Radiation from the March 11, 2011 power plant meltdown contaminated the entire northern hemisphere within days, especially the West Coast of the United States. US environmental monitoring agencies have so far declined comment on what, if any, impact this could have on the health of the population along the coast.

On the Bellona website, Charles Digges quotes a new scientific paper as stating that its research "clearly demonstrates how little dissipation [of radionuclides] occurred [between March 12 and 16] due to the nature of the rapid global air circulation system."
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These three night lights may be a group of UFOs in rough triangular formation, but there is no way to be sure given the fact that there is no detail. Local residents were shocked because of the lack of sound, and it’s not likely that a UFO hoax would be perpetrated in a war zone, so these may well be genuine unknowns. Because the lights change position in relation to each other, it’s not a single aircraft such as a US spy plane.
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