If you happened to look up, you would notice if a drone was tracking you, but what if it looked like an insect–for instance, a butterfly? Israel is creating spy drones that are shaped like butterflies and can flutter into a building in order to gather intelligence.

The RT website reports that these remotely controlled spy drones are equipped with a camera and a memory card. A soldier could simply "take it out of a pocket and send it behind the enemy’s line."
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In 2001, "Eva" experienced the same type of stroke that would strike Anne Strieber 3 years later. Like Anne, she experienced a powerful near-death experience. In fact, she had one of the MOST intense NDEs anybody at Unknowncountry has ever heard described. Listen as she tells her enthralling, heart rending story to Anne Strieber, and these two NDE experiencers compare notes.

To our knowledge, this interview is unique in the literature. Both the interviewer and the interviewee were led to death’s door by the same dangerous illness, and both have returned with amazing and important messages.

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In 2001, "Eva" experienced the same type of stroke that would strike Anne Strieber 3 years later. Like Anne,
she experienced a powerful near-death experience. In fact, she had one of the MOST intense NDEs anybody
at Unknowncountry has ever heard described. Listen as she tells her enthralling, heart-rending story to
Anne Strieber, and these two NDE experiencers compare notes.

To our knowledge, this interview is unique in the literature. Both the interviewer and the interviewee
were led to death’s door by the same dangerous illness, and both have returned with amazing and
important messages.

Eva’s description of her experience is beautiful, haunting and filled with wonder. Did she glimpse heaven?read more