There’s almost no limit to the value of meditation. A scientist studying the Chinese mindfulness meditation known as integrative body-mind training (IBMT) says that he and other researchers have confirmed that it changes the structural efficiency of white matter in the brain. They found positive behavioral changes in subjects practicing the technique for a month and a minimum of 11 hours total.
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These days, flying to another city or country involves a lot of waiting in line. First we wait in the TSA line, then–at the end of the trip–we wait in line to get our luggage. When Houston airport started getting complaints from customers about having to wait for their checked baggage to arrive, they increased the number of baggage handlers, but that didn’t help.
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This could easily be a digitally produced hoax, and the lack of any other videos or news stories about what would seem to have been a very prominent event would suggest that this is the case. Also, the video is abruptly cut off before the object does anything. Was this because the animator got tired of extending the image? It would seem that a person videotaping the real thing would have continued until it moved away, and not simply abandoned this incredible sighting right in the middle of the action. Making animations, on the other hand, is tedious, which is why most of the hoaxes we see end abruptly, usually in the middle of the action.
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With concerns about the possible health and environmental effects of oil dispersants in the Deepwater Horizon disaster still fresh in mind, scientists have created a new dispersant made from edible ingredients that both breaks up oil slicks and keeps oil from sticking to the feathers of birds (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows) And With 1.3 billion tons of food trashed, dumped in landfills and otherwise wasted around the world every year, other scientists are studying ways to change food waste into a key ingredient for making plastics, laundry detergread more