Nearly one-tenth of hemisphere’s mammals are unlikely to outrun climate change.

A safe haven could be out of reach for 9% of the Western Hemisphere’s mammals, and as much as 40% in certain regions, because the animals just won’t move swiftly enough to outpace climate change.

For the past decade scientists have outlined new areas suitable for mammals likely to be displaced as climate change first makes their current habitat inhospitable, then unlivable. For the first time a new study considers whether mammals will actually be able to move to those new areas before they are overrun by climate change. read more

Sperm quality is down everywhere, and the suspected causes range from estrogen in our drinking water to pesticides, but Israel worse off than other developed countries. This is a real problem for women looking for IVF fertilization.

In the August 16th edition of the Los Angeles Times, Edmund Sanders quotes Israeli researcher Ruth Har-Nir, who runs a sperm bank, as saying, "Under no circumstances can we accept sperm of this quality." She has noticed problems with Israeli sperm for a decade and says, "This is the trend.
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Now that farmers can hire circlmakers to decorate their fields for fun and PROFIT, more and more manmade formations are appearing. Some of them are even quite striking–from a distance. Up close, though, you find broken stems, no interweaving and generally rough edges. This formation, however, is among the most magnificent ever created. No human circlemakers are even close to the skill level required to create this superb work. 

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The Ghost Rocket Phenomenon is one of the enduring mysteries of modern times, and now a group of Scandinavian investigators who obviously know what they are doing are planning to do a dive to find evidence of a recent one that was seen to sink into a lake. In 1946, dozens of these mysterious rockets were seen over Scandinavia, and fragments of some of them were found. They are one of the few proven anomalous phenomena out there, so this new attempt to gather evidence is really exciting.
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