Orange UFOs seem to be authentic unknowns.
There have been so many of these objects recently, I thought that I would post this digest of a number of the sightings.
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There have been so many of these objects recently, I thought that I would post this digest of a number of the sightings.
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A UFO has been videotaped by witnesses from inside a crop formation at Avebury. This is one of the rare occasions when a UFO has actually been recorded near a crop formation. The famous ‘Oliver’s Castle Video’ of a UFO making a crop formation is widely discounted as a hoax. This could have been a high flying weather balloon or an iridium flare from a satellite, but it also could be a genuine unknown. It is not a hoaxed video. Your Out There editor has seen iridium flares, and they glitter, so that is probably the least likely explanation. In my book, a high-flying balloon is the most likely explanation, but it would have to have been quite large.
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A camera system called "Trapwire," created by the CIA, is being installed in the US. Closed-circuit TV surveillance of this sort is common in the UK, where cameras were set up on city streets years ago to detect IRA bombings, and they have been efficient at catching terrorists as well.
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A Chinese team of researchers have teleported a qubit (a standard unit of data in quantum computing) over 60 miles. In the Daily Mail, Mark Prigg reports that a group of European and Canadian researchers say they’ve beaten this coup by teleporting information from one of the Canary Islands to another, almost 90 miles apart.
Eventually, scientists how to use this technique for quantum teleportation of people.
This teleportation happens instantly, once the two particles become entangled. This would mean we could eventually move people from one planet–or solar system–to another, instantaneously.
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