Whitley and Dave Paulides go deeper into the mystery of missing people. They talk about the mystery of why there was an 11 year gap in Pennsylvania when nobody went missing–and when the process resumed, children were no longer disappearing, from then on, it was adults. At once point Whitley asks the question, "is somebody building a colony somewhere?"

And yet, people, in particular children, DO reappear from time to time, and what they say about what happened to them is really very strange.

This is a riveting, incredibly provocative interview filled with totally unique information. Unforgettable.
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People are going missing all over the United States and the world, and far too many of the cases, especially when adults are involved, are barely investigated. Last April 10, David Paulides came on Dreamland to discuss this phenomenon with Whitley Strieber. They covered only the western United States. Now Dave is back, this time bringing even more chilling cases from the eastern US. People are, in fact, vanishing without a trace and yet our government agencies say nothing. Most of these cases take place in wilderness areas and there is now no question that something very strange is happening.
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This video has been made from a series of stills taken by Curiosity every few seconds. The stills were taken approximately every second or so, judging from the fact that the shadows and the sun do not move. If you look at this in full screen mode, you will see one object rise from the surface on the horizon, and another one cross the entire horizon from left to right. It isn’t clear what these objects are. Contrary to some of the commentary (it is exceptionally stupid, even for YouTube), the objects are not part of the Curiosity mission’s hardware. In addition, this low resolution camera would not be able to pick up an orbiting satellite from the ground.read more